SERIES 1 - 40
Corinthian released a vast amount of figures from 1995-1998 and took a well deserved break for the later part of 1998. During this period they sold the American company they had set up, thus leaving the Headliners brand name behind.
Corinthian were busy developing an entire new range, these figures would be released with a whole new look and name, the name they chose was Prostars. On the 12th of January 1999 the very first range of Prostars figures were released and just like that Corinthians were back, better than ever!
Originally called International Prostars, a name which Corinthian shortened to just Prostars from series 5 onwards, the figures had a fresh, new look about them and it was clear for all to see that Corinthian had been working very hard on their new product, with the blister packs being of better quality too.
As before the figures were each assigned a collector number, this time the codes all started with 'PRO' and the figures themselves were still the same size, 7cm, but were made from a much finer plastic and the paint work was also improved. The bases were also slightly thicker, thus making them much more stable, if like me, you preferred to display the figures loose.
One of the many new additions to the Prostars range was the introduction of the Platinum pack, this was Corinthians most premiere product. The Platinum pack was the regular released figure but placed into a limited produced packaging and from series 15 onwards the figures bases were painted Silver, to even more distinguish them as an elite collectable, with the Silver based figures in these Platinum Packs assigned a 'PP' code (Platinum Pack) which was identical to the regular PRO code assigned to the figure.
What made this range even more special was the fact you could not buy them direct, instead you were given them free for money spent with Corinthian, or as part of redemption offers with a series, although on odd occasions they did appear for sale at one of Corinthian's official collector centres.
The collector cards also changed over time, Series 1 - 9 were the same quality as the Headliners and on the reverse of the card was the rating system. Series 10 saw Corinthian significantly increase the quality of the collector cards, they were much more sturdy and rigid and glossier than their predecessors. From Series 21 onwards the collector cards were individually numbered and displayed how many of each blister had been produced, with this change further enhancing the collectible aspect of the blister pack.
Detailed here are the regular Series 1 - 40, along with the Stars of the Season 2002/3 which slips in between Series 21 and Series 22. Also added here is the Squadbuilder Sachet, which combines Series 9 with the 2000/01 4 Packs and of course features the Chaser figures.